Changing the routing namespace in Laravel 8 like Laravel 7

3 min readDec 25, 2021

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
Hello everyone, laravel 8 has now been released, as we know there are some changes in laravel 8, one of which is writing routes, because in laravel 8 currently the default namespace is null, so we can no longer use strings to write routes, thing this might make some people not familiar with writing routes with laravel 8 .

So on this occasion, we will change the route writing to be like Laravel 7 and below. First of all let’s create a new project first, and make sure your laravel installer is on version 4, because laravel 8 is now using installer version 4, you can run the command below to update the installer.

composer global update laravel/installer

if the above command fails you can directly force download with the command

composer global require "laravel/installer:^4.0"

Then we can create the project with the command

laravel new laravel_8

After that we will do the Laravel download process, and what’s new is that we are greeted with Laravel writing as shown below

Wait for the installation process to complete, it will appear like this

then we open it in our text editor, I will use vs code, and type this command in terminal

cd laravel_8
code .

and we first create a controller with the name HomeController, run the command

php artisan make:controller HomeController

Then we open the controller that we created earlier and add an index function that returns a string

public function index(){
return 'Hello Home';

Later we will call this function on the route, now we open route/web.php and type

Route::get('/home', 'HomeController@index');

And we open our project in the browser with the following command in the terminal

php artisan serve

Then a display like the one below will appear

The initial display that changed in laravel 8, now we will go to the url:, an error will appear

This happens because the writing of the route in laravel 8 is different from the previous version, now we open route/web.php again and change the syntax to

use App\Http\Controllers\HomeController;Route::get('/home', [HomeController::class, 'index']);

Then we go back to the browser and refresh then the display will be like this

The route write change is caused by the namespace on the default route being null. Now, we don’t want to write the latest route, because it’s not good, how do we change it, we can open Providers/RouteServiceProvider, then change it

protected $namespace = null;


protected $namespace = 'App\Http\Controllers';





And we change the writing on the route

Route::get('/home', 'HomeController@index');

Then in the browser the results will be the same

Maybe that’s all the discussion from me
Thank you :)

